Baby Steps- Moving forward by the inch, Not the Mile

Baby Steps- Moving forward by the inch, Not the Mile

As it’s a new year, and we all have that “fresh start” kind of vibe (for at least a week or two) I thought it would be appropriate to ask you what one struggle are you going to conquer this year? I’m not asking for resolutions. I don’t even think making a year long goal is the best way to do things (Twelve weeks is actually a really good time frame. Check out this book for more info: 12 Week Year by Brian Moran or if you’re not a big reader, here’s a podcast about it.)

I’m focused on a few areas this year: Managing my money better, Managing my health better and Managing my mental health better. You know, just a few minor, inconsequential things ;) But seriously, since I’m a project kind of girl I keep thinking I’ll sit down one day, make a nice long list and a detailed plan, and fix Issue A with a focused effort. Problem is, if I do that, Issues B-Z are ignored for a week while I “project” my way through dealing with Issue A, and then when I come up for air, I’m overwhelmed and any progress I made on A is buried with me under my weighted blanket as I stress eat Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and take a nap—or three.

Goodbye Big Projects

So I’m done with the big projects. I’m going to focus on the small daily habits that will help me improve my finances, my physical well-being and my mental health. 

I’ve finally realized that although I love the payoff of conquering a huge challenge, the trade off of chaos that ensues while I’m otherwise occupied is not worth the accolades of the big reveal. Making small, consistent changes in my life that over time will produce big results is the unsexy, boring yet best way to make lasting change. After all, baby-steps are the building blocks for all of us to learn to walk, run, jump, dance...all of it. It all starts with baby steps. Have you ever met a toddler that goes from crawling straight to tap dancing? Me neither. 

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