Burn Calories by Bathing??

Burn Calories by Bathing??

Saw this on instagram today. First of all...yay for baths that burn calories. Although, as someone who is close to six feet tall, I have to say that bathtubs really aren't made for tall people. How are we supposed to stuff our entire body in there? It's like trying to re-wrap an overstuffed Chipotle burrito...no matter how creative you get, something's gonna be sticking out. So in a bath, I always end up being half in, half out; half hot, half cold. I think that probably cuts the calorie burn down. Except, I also read that being cold can burn calories. So maybe I'm good? Maybe I'm burning double the calories?

Moot point since I won't actually bother taking a bath. Sadly, I'll never get to use that awesome hashtag: #Bathlete

But the reason I loved this instagram post was not for the idea that we can burn calories by bathing but for the humor in Glennon Doyle's post that accompanied the headline. And any time someone can justify me not running, I'm all in. My sister Sammie and I are actually going to take up running.

Tomorrow. Always tomorrow. (Right Sammie?)

Back to Glennon and humor, have you noticed how some people are just naturally funny? I think it takes looking at the world through a certain kind of rose-colored lens. One that looks for the humor in situations and remembers

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